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About Us

Welcome to! We are so glad that you have found your way here. My name is Christie Free and I write and live in Seattle Washington with my husband Chris, our daughter Adelyn and our dog Charlie. As I type this, Adelyn is 1 year and 4 days old and a squirmy drooling bundle of joy.

Chris and I created after we had spent countless sleepless hours researching how to help our daughter, as well as ourselves, sleep through the night. We were familiar with a few basic principles of baby sleep like Back is Best and Sleep Begets Sleep, but on the whole we were out of our league. One of the few things we were able to control when it came to Adelyn’s sleep was what we dressed her in. Not to say that it was a simple decision by any means, but at least we could help her sleep by making her safe and comfortable in her sleepwear.

This website is dedicated to everything your little one wears to bed, be it pajamas, sleep sacks, swaddles, anti-rollover devices and any other clothing and accessories I can’t think of off the top of my head. You will be shocked to learn how many products are out there that can help the exact situation you and your baby are experiencing.

So, let us do the leg work for you and find the best choices, newest products, and everything you will need to make the most informed decision for you and your needs. 

There are many reviews, buying guides, and other content on baby sleepwear that you can peruse while you make this decision, and we have them all for you right here on Sleepwear Baby.  

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